Saturday, January 19, 2008

Military Technique Could Aid Stroke Victims

University of Leicester researchers are pioneering use of military radar signal processing methods to help victims of stroke the third most common cause of death in the UK. The Leicester study has discovered that techniques used in radar systems can be modified and have the potential to improve early diagnosis and effective monitoring of stroke victims. Research by Joanne Cowe in the University's Medical Physics group led to the breakthrough which offers huge potential to deliver benefits to patients.

Joanne said: "Stroke is the third most common cause of death and the most common cause of adult disability in the UK and is estimated to cost the NHS over £2.3 billion per year. One quarter of strokes are due to emboli (blood clots or other foreign bodies) blocking small blood vessels in the brain. Emboli can originate from a number of sources such as the heart or from plaques in arteries in the head or neck due to vascular disease.

MedicalNewsToday - complete article

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